Who is NRT Group?
NRT Group is an infrastructure business enabling city transformation.
The NRT Group is led by its CEO, Phil Dark, and his senior management team. It directly employs experienced professionals focused on supporting all its partners in achieving contract objectives, stakeholder outcomes and tangible benefits for the people of Sydney.
The NRT Group is owned by 5 investors, all leading infrastructure investors in Australia and internationally being:
MTR Corporation is recognised as one of the best performing and highest quality rail operators in the world. With more than 50,000 dedicated staff around the globe, MTR carries more than 12.8 million passenger journeys every weekday across Australia, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Macao.
Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ)
CDPQ is a global investment group that drives performance and progress, with net assets amounting $434 billion. CDPQ invest constructive capital—in private equity, equity markets, private credit, infrastructure and real estate—to create opportunities and position enterprises to succeed.
Plenary is one of the world’s leading investors, developers and managers of public infrastructure. Plenary is an independent long term investor, developer and manager of public infrastructure, specialising in public-private partnerships, local development and asset management. Plenary has more than US$51 billion worth of assets under management across North America, Australia and the Middle East.
Marubeni Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries use their broad business networks, both within Japan and overseas, to conduct importing and exporting (including third country trading), as well as domestic business, encompassing a diverse range of business activities across wide-ranging fields including lifestyle, IT solutions, food, agri business, forest products, chemicals, metals & mineral resources, energy, power, infrastructure project, aerospace & ship, finance, leasing & real estate business, construction, industrial machinery & mobility, next generation business development and next generation corporate development.
Pacific Partnerships (owned by CIMIC Group)
Pacific Partnerships is developing infrastructure for a better world. Pacific Partnerships drive innovative collaboration across CIMIC Group’s collective expertise to create, fund, own, deliver and operate sustainable solutions that unlock benefits for our communities and for the future.
The Board of the NRT Group comprises representatives of all five shareholders, as well as the independent Chair, Michael Rose AM, appointed in May 2020.

Phil Dark
Phil is a senior infrastructure professional with considerable leadership, commercial, company management and complex project delivery experience developed over the last 35 years. His career has spanned a diverse set of executive management and technical functions across large, small to medium and start-up companies in the UK, Hong Kong and Australia. For the last 20 years he has specialised in the origination, delivery, transition to operations, and operations of large-scale Public Private Partnership (PPP) infrastructure.
Phil has been with NRT Group since 2014. His role as the Delivery Director until end-December 2024, prior to taking on his current role of CEO, provided critical leadership and support to the successful delivery and operations of Sydney Metro in the Northwest and through the City & Southwest, now called the M1 Metro Northwest & Bankstown Line.

Michael Rose
Michael Rose brings valuable commercial, government, strategic and operational capabilities from his extensive experience as both a Chief Executive and as a member of Australian and International Boards. Michael is the Chair of the Committee for Sydney, an urban policy think tank that advocates better policy outcomes for Sydney. He is also Chair of Greater Sydney Parklands and sits on the boards of Silicon Quantum Computing and the Westmead Institute for Medical Research. He is a lawyer by background and the former Chief Executive Partner of one of Australia’s leading law firms.
Michael has served on the boards of a number of Government, arts and not-for-profit organisations. He has a senior advisory role at UNSW and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
Sydney Metro is revolutionising the way Australia’s biggest city travels
Metro means a new generation of world-class fast, safe and reliable metro trains easily connecting customers to where they want to go. Customers don’t need timetables – they just turn up and go.
Sydney’s first phase of the metro and Australia’s first driverless railway, the Metro North West Line, opened on 26 May 2019.
On 19 August 2024, the extension of the Metro North West Line under Sydney’s harbour and through the CBD opened. Services, now called the M1 Northwest & Bankstown Line, run from Tallawong to Sydenham with a total of 21 stations and 51.5km of track, travelling end to end in less than an hour. Contracted under a Public Private Partnership (PPP) NRT Group is responsible for delivery and operations of the M1 Northwest and Bankstown Line.
For more information about Sydney Metro visit www.sydneymetro.info
Operations Trains and Systems OTS – Public Private Partnership (PPP) overview
In 2014 the Northwest Rapid Transit (NRT) consortium was contracted by the NSW Government to deliver the A$3.7 billion Sydney Metro Northwest Operations, Trains and Systems (OTS) Public Private Partnership (PPP) contract, the largest of the three major delivery contracts for the project and the largest PPP awarded in the State of NSW at the time (September 2014).
NRT Pty Ltd, part of NRT Group, was established for Metro North West Line and is responsible for the performance of its obligations under the OTS Project Deed to design, construct, finance, operate and maintain the Metro North West Line.
Just six months after opening the Metro North West Line, NRT Group were awarded, by an augmentation to the OTS Project Deed, the Trains, Systems, Operations and Maintenance (TSOM) contract for Sydney Metro City & Southwest. This OTS2 package is the largest augmentation of a PPP in Australia by some way.
Bringing the infrastructure to life, the new contract package includes A$1.7 billion for additional metro trains and the integration of core rail systems such as signalling and platform screen doors. The contract package also includes a A$2 billion operations and maintenance component for NRT to operate the combined North West and City and Southwest lines until 2034.
NRT CSW Pty Ltd, part of NRT Group, was awarded the OTS2 augmentation, with Contractual Close of the OTS2 Project Deed, occurring on 21 November 2019 and Financial Close on 4 December 2019.
The scope of OTS2 includes:
- The design, delivery and integration of the OTS2 packages including Trains, Signalling (CBTC), Central Control System & Communications (CCS & Comms), Platform Screen Doors (PSD) (Phase 1 only) and Radio Communications Systems (Radio).
- Leading and managing the overall process of systems integration and testing and commissioning of Sydney Metro City & Southwest.
- Undertaking the operation and maintenance of Sydney Metro Northwest and City & Southwest from the start of operations (2024) to the end of the Term in May 2034.
The key partners of OpCo2 for delivery of the OTS2 scope are:
- MTR, as Integrator (i.e. Design and Construct Contractor); and
- Metro Trains Sydney (MTS), as Operations & Maintenance Contractor.
Sydney Metro North West Line
Australian Engineering Excellence Awards 2020
• Northwest Rapid Transit (NRT) Consortium – Divisional Winner (Sydney).
• The Metro North West Stations Design Joint Venture – Divisional Finalist
2015 Partnerships Awards
Sydney Metro Northwest was awarded the Projects Grand Prix and Best Transit Project at the 2015 Partnerships Awards
2015 Australian National Infrastructure Awards
(Infrastructure Partnerships Australia)
The Northwest Rapid Transit Consortium (NRT) together with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) was honoured with the Government Partnership Excellence Award
2019 PFI Asia Awards
PPP Deal of the Year: Sydney Metro Northwest
Hassell Architects Sydney Metro
2020 Australian National Infrastructure Awards
(Infrastructure Partnerships Australia)
The Northwest Rapid Transit Consortium (NRT) together with Sydney Metro was honoured with the Project of the Year Award
2023 National Infrastructure Awards
(Infrastructure Partnerships Australia)
Operator & Service Provider Excellence Finalist: Metro North West Line
Sydney Metro City & Southwest
2019 Infrastructure Investor Annual Awards
Global PPP Deal of the Year: Sydney Metro City & Southwest PPP
2019 Proximo Asia Awards
Asia PPP Deal of the Year: Sydney Metro City & Southwest PPP
Asset Triple A Infrastructure Awards 2020
Australia Transport Deal of the Year: Sydney Metro City & Southwest PPP
2020 Australian National Infrastructure Awards
(Infrastructure Partnerships Australia)
The Northwest Rapid Transit Consortium (NRT) together with Sydney Metro was honored with the Government Partnership Excellence Award
2024 Sydney Awards
(Committee For Sydney)
People’s Choice Award: Sydney Metro City & Southwest